Safety 1st First Aid Training BLOG


Here you are welcome to comment on a number of issues regarding First Aid. We would like to encourage visitors to comment on the trainining services that we provide, feel free to tell it as you see it.

Our success depends on what our customers thought of their training, so again, please comment and let everybody out there know what our courses are like.

Identifying if a Training Provider is HSE Approved

This is the advice from the HSE when checking if a First Aid at Work training provider is approved by HSE but the company is not listed on the HSE website.  Then they may be working as a third party of an existing HSE approved provider.  In these situations ask for the name of the approved provider they are working on behalf of and the HSE approval number certificates are issued in the name of.  You will also need to verify with the approved training provider that this company can deliver training on their behalf.  If this information cannot be provided then the company is not able to deliver workplace first aid training that has been approved by HSE.

Safety 1st First Aid at Work HSE  Approval No 48/04



Should we have an automated external defibrillator (AED) on site?

There is no mandatory requirement for you to have a defibrillator in your workplace. However, in cases of sudden cardiac arrest, early defibrillation in conjunction
with CPR offers the best chances of survival so you may wish to consider providing a defibrillator for your staff. If you do provide a defibrillator, only staff with the appropriate training should use it. More to follow. To book a course

Compression only CPR

Compression only (hands-only resuscitation) CPR is a technique that involves chest compressions without artificial respiration. It is recommended for the untrained rescuer or those who are not competent in conventional CPR as it is easier to perform and instructions are easier to give over the phone.

When a person goes into cardiac arrest because of a problem with the heart, that individual normally has more oxygen in the body. So rescue breaths aren’t as vital to survival and the emphasis is on trying to keep blood pressure high enough to allow perfusion of the vital organs. However, if cardiac arrest is secondary to trauma, drowning or a problem not directly related to heart function and for children, then it is advisable to do standard CPR that includes rescue breaths. In those cases, getting oxygen into the system is crucial.

Find out more

What do you do if you get stung by a jellyfish?

Interesting BBC 5 live interview regarding a warning from The Marine Conservation Society of a ‘jellyfish soup’ around the British coastline this summer.

Find out more here.

Am I at risk from anaphylaxis?

There are approximately 20 anaphylaxis deaths per year in the UK. 1 in every 1,333 will experience anaphylaxis at some point in their life

Am I at risk from anaphylaxis?

If you have suffered a bad allergic reaction in the past – whatever the cause – then any future reaction is also likely to be severe. If you have suffered a significant reaction to a tiny dose, or have reacted on skin contact, this might also be a sign that a larger dose may trigger a severe reaction. If you have asthma as well as allergies, getting seen by an allergy specialist is particularly important because asthma can put you in a higher risk category. Where foods such as nuts, seeds, shellfish and fish are concerned, even mild symptoms should not be ignored because future reactions may be severe.

Get the facts.

Contents of a First Aid Kit new British Standard.

Please note there is now a new standard for the contents of a First Aid
kit BS-8599 (effective from 30th June 2011). The HSE have been involved in the creation of the new standard. The current guidelines in ACOP (L74) are met and exceeded by the new BSi Standard.

However It is worth noting that the standard is not compulsory and the contents of a first aid box will be dependent on an employer’s first aid needs assessment.

As before it is recommended that you don’t keep tablets and medicines in the first-aid box.

Here is the new list of contents:
First Aid Guidance Leaflet
Contents List
Medium Dressing (12cm x 12cm) (Sterile)
Large Dressing (18cm x 18cm) (Sterile)
Triangular Bandage (Single Use) ((90cm x 127cm)
Safety Pins (Assorted) (minimum length 2.5cm)
Eye Pad Dressing with Bandage (Sterile)
Washproof Assorted Plasters
Moist Cleaning Wipes
Microporous Tape (2.5cm x 5m or 3m for Travel Kit)
Nitrile Gloves (1 Pair)
Finger Dressing with Adhesive Fixing (3.5cm)
Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation Device with Valve
Foil Blanket (130cm x 210cm)
Eye Wash (250ml)
Burn Relief Dressing (10cm x 10cm)
Universal Shears (Suitable for cutting clothing)
Conforming Bandage (7.5cm x 4m)

More information to follow from the HSE website

Support the Emergency Life Support in Schools Campaign

More useful links to support the Emergency Life Support (ELS) in Schools Campaign launched by TheResuscitation Council (UK) and The British Heart Foundation.

Sign the BHF online petition

Full details of the campaign can be found at:

The British Heart Foundation calls on UK Government to encourage the inclusion of Emergency Life saving Skills as a key development skill at secondary schools.

The skills of emergency life support (ELS) are simple and can save lives. ELS is particularly important in cases of cardiac arrest, where the heart stops pumping blood around the body. It only takes a few minutes after cardiac arrest for irreversible brain damage to occur. The BHF believes that ELS should be taught to all young people in the UK, equipping them with vital skills to save lives in their communities. By training children in ELS we can create a new generation of lifesavers in the UK. We are calling on all UK Governments to encourage the inclusion of ELS as a key development skill at all secondary schools, and ensure that suitable resources are provided to teachers to enable them to teach this in a structured way. We are also calling on the Westminster Government to include ELS skills training as a mandatory part of the National Curriculum in England.

More useful links to support
the Emergency Life Support (ELS) in Schools Campaign launched by The
Resuscitation Council (UK)
and The British Heart Foundation